This is the main website for the magnificent, marvelous, mad, mad, mad, mad, Three Thing Game.

Find out more here: About


Announcing Midichlorians!

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As a precursor to the usual more elaborate announcement, I would like you to save the date: put it in your calendars, start your Pavlovian juices flowing, and get psyched!

May the 4th be with you, and with us all… is the date for the next Three Thing Game. At least that is when it starts. As usual it will last for 24 hours, concluding on Saturday 5th.

A video montage

The most recent Three Thing Game (3rd and 4th November 2017) has been and gone and it was great again to see so many people take part. Above is a video that the University Digital team put together with footage across the 24 hours. Are you in it?

A Cultural Event

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As a bit of a departure from the usual programme and to celebrate Hull’s status as the City of Culture 2017 we decided to theme the latest event accordingly. Thus, all of the teams received the same three words provided by the CEO of City of Culture Martin Green:

Culture, Hull, Change

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The Fizzyo Games

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This time we ran a competition sub-category for games that make use of the #fizzyo device: In summary, it is a device that measures breath output, and is used for Cystic Fibrosis patients as part of their physio programme. What does that have to do with a game jam you may ask? Well, I am glad you asked, because these devices can be represented as a single axis joystick (plus button) and so can be used as a control input for games. There is a framework and examples to allow you to use the devices with Monogame or Unity. The idea is that we can make games that encourages (in particular) younger physio patients to complete their physio and using the correct technique. Lee Stott from Microsoft gave a great talk on why it is so important to do things to help cystic fibrosis sufferers and the #fizzyo project for games.

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