Registration is now open!
To sweeten the deal, here is a new video I have made to entice you:
[Read More]Registration is now open!
To sweeten the deal, here is a new video I have made to entice you:
[Read More]The king is dead, long live the king!
Sadly, the sneaky virus lock down hit just as we were about to have our last event and in the scramble to move all of our teaching online we weren’t able to sort Three Thing Game in time for it to go ahead back in March.
But we are back, so save the date, the weekend of Halloweeeeeeeeeen! We will be experimenting with a fully remote event which should be interesting.
[Read More]Registration is now open!
I am working on a new video, but whilst you wait here is a playlist of the previous ones:
[Read More]Registration is now open!
I am working on a new video, but whilst you wait here is a playlist of the previous ones:
[Read More]Registration is now open!
I am working on a new video, but whilst you wait here is a playlist of the previous ones:
[Read More]Registration is now open!
I have made an all new video to entice you: and to announce that registration for the event is now open!
[Read More]I am pleased to announce that Josh Naylor, one of our lovely and accomplished alumni, is going to be making a guest appearance. He will be talking a little bit about what he does at Unity, will be able to offer career advice, and he will also be talking tech, such as how to prototype in Unity. The latter of course will be particularly useful in a game jam context. Speaking of game jams, I hear that there is quite a good one coming up.
[Read More]Registration is now open!
I have made an all new video to entice you: and to announce that registration for the event is now open!
[Read More]As a precursor to the usual more elaborate announcement, I would like you to save the date: put it in your calendars, start your Pavlovian juices flowing, and get psyched!
May the 4th be with you, and with us all… is the date for the next Three Thing Game. At least that is when it starts. As usual it will last for 24 hours, concluding on Saturday 5th.