The November Event Results

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As is customary, each team recieved Three Things to base their game around, and this time the words were all climate themed. I don’t remember why. Perhaps it was topical, perhaps it was fueled by some existential angst.

Slightly more than half of the participants made it through to the end, with 9 games made in all.

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On Sunday we all gathered an celebrated everyone’s efforts as each team presented their creations. Lots of lovely creations as usual, and plenty of insanity - I am looking at you Quackpocalypse.

You can check out all the games here:

People’s Choice

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Our People’s Choice winners this time was a solo effort by Golden Donkey Productions. The made their game “Elvis Raft-ley” using the Godot engine, and backed by their three things: coal, solar, and climate. The results page of the People’s Choice vote is here:

Next time

Three Thing Game will be back, but if you need to satisfy your thirst for game jams before then, we will be hosting a local site for the Global Game Jam early next year.